5.0・New Song from Web

MySongbook allows copy-pasting of Lyrics from websites and will intelligently convert to MySongbook format! Coming soon… (early 2024) Return to … more…

9・Import via iTunes

Import via iTunes is really a very special feature that is only required for very advanced users. For example, if … more…

8・Advanced Fonts

Custom per page or even per section fonts and font sizing. PDF’s can even have their own special fonts! This … more…

7・Internet Lyrics

Here is a detailed video of using Microsoft Word and importing lyrics from any old random source. Please note: This … more…

6.1・Using Chordie.com

This video shows finding songs on Chordie.com and importing to MySongbook. This video shows a Mac, but Windows PC would … more…

5.5・Import Text Files

Here are high level instructions for creating and importing songs into MySongbook. For more details and video examples look at … more…